2017.12.14 ~ 2018.1.2
2016.15.15 ~ 2017.1.4 (已結束)
活動期間,全伺服器經驗加倍 需要喝酒Buff
開啟遊戲商城 Crown > Featured
使用後可以在任務介面 ( J ) 中看到
前往 Eastmarch 的 Windhelm 任務 NPC 地點
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第一次完成初始任務, NPC 會直接先給你一個獎勵, 但只有這一次, 之後都要完成活動才有
完成起始任務後, 進入蒐集介面 ( U ) Mementos 裡面可以找到 Breda's Bottomless Mead Mug
使用後 2 小時內 打怪, 打隨機, 交任務, 經驗值多 1 倍,
還可以跟經驗藥水疊加 (玩家製作)
但能否跟經驗卷軸疊加尚未確定 ( 商城購買 )
不確定是完成起始任務後 才能拿到 Breda's Bottomless Mead Mug
或是要完成一次完整任務才有 Breda's Bottomless Mead Mug
如果你真的沒有拿到 , 在 NPC 右手邊有一個啤酒桶
喝下去也能拿到 2 小時的 100% 經驗 buff
打開你的 任務介面 (J)
就可以看到 Holiday Event 中有活動任務, 選中後仔細看右邊的 Tasks 就有寫要去哪邊
但也許你跟我一樣英文很爛, 或是剛完不久, 就算跟你說去 Bergama 也不知道在哪
當你點選任務後, 其實畫面下方還有一個選項叫, Show On Map
所以當你按下 M 後就會切換到地圖介面
你可以在跳出來的畫面中 , 隨便按一下 F , 就會在地圖上標記一個目的地
等你要使用傳點時, 就可以在世界地圖上看到你自己的標記, 就算不知道地名也不會迷路
下述就不再貼地圖畫面了, 浪費頻寬 XD
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The New Life is about what the old year was and what the new year can be.
The Bretons of Alcaire Castle have a curious tradition called the Castle Charm Challenge.
Long ago, after a terrible war, the steward declared a contest. Any performer who most delighted the castle's survivors would win great renown.
Here, everything in this performance kit will let you experience for yourself.
Go to Alcaire Castle in Stormhaven and perform for the crowds. They are quite friendly, so don't fear your time in front of them!
前往 Stormhaven 左上角的 Alcaire Castle
依順序到 1 2 3 的地方做表演, 到達地點後就可以直接對著空氣按 E
會隨機作出, 噴火, 耍劍, 吞劍 等表演
3 個都做完就可以回報任務
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You are curious about New Life traditions, aren't you?
The Argonians of Hissmir have the Fish Boon Feast, one of Shadowfen's oldest celebrations.
It's quite simple—those who are able, bring fish. Those who are not, eat fish.
Go fishing! Best to catch them in Shadowfen's waters—but if you hate to fish, you can still feed the hungry. Trade with friends, or seek them from a guild trader.
When you have enough, deliver them to Gentle-Heart at Hissmir.
I smell fish. Have you brought fish?
Delightful, I'll prepare them all. Your generosity warms the heart.
Did you know we bring fish to those who cannot attend? The old, the infirm, the destitute—none shall go hungry.
前往 Shadowfen 南方, 這邊很容易有點小誤會
如果你身上沒有魚餌, 地圖會在左邊標記一個門, 告訴你那邊有賣魚餌
所以其實可以不用過去, 直接去東南方釣魚就可以了
釣魚的方式是, 當你走到水域後, 看到水裡有水花時,
按住 E 先選擇你要的魚餌 (選一次就好)
然後按 E 拋桿, 當你人物有動作時按 E 收桿
但每個水花, 魚的數量固定, 所以很多人一起釣的時後, 可能有人釣不到
這個任務共要 3 種魚
Histmuck Blobfin
Shadowfen Creeping Leech
Black Marsh Cucumber
蒐集完後回到賣魚餌那邊, 地點右邊就是交附任務的地方
不管哪種魚餌都釣的到, 就是浪費時間而已
任務中會經過好多城市, 順便晃晃就好
每隻 100 元內 還算可以接受, 超過 100 就別買了
I am only a New Life Herald during the festival. Otherwise, I run a lumbermill.
Once, very briefly, the city of Ebonheart decreed dancing to be illegal. The Dark Elves promptly invented the Lava Foot Stomp, which they called a necessity should their boots ever catch aflame.
They practiced it in taverns, while wearing a small pin.
A dazzling pin such as this showed they were in friendly company. Now, it's a symbol of participation.
Best to experience the Lava Foot Stomp for yourself. I'll mark the taverns on your map. Now, go forth and dance!
前往 Stonefalls 東北方的 Davon's Watch , 一樣跑到地點後, 對空氣 按 E 就可以跳舞了 ,
共有2個地方在這座城的 西邊酒館 和 東邊酒館
然後到 Stonefalls 中央北邊的 Ebonheart
共有2個地方在這座城的 東邊酒館 和 北邊城堡進去後 右手邊的地下室
It warms my heart to share the New Life Festival. The drink? It warms my belly!
Wood Elf immigrants to Auridon introduced the locals of Skywatch to Mud Ball Merriment.
It is as you'd expect—mud balls thrown at everyone. But each year, there is a specific target the Wood Elves agree most needs to be humbled.
There are three! Ambassadors of each Alliance meet in Auridon to speak with righteous purpose. No doubt to argue the shape of the negotiating table, or which wine to serve next.
They should take themselves less seriously, don't you think?
前往 Auridon 中央東邊的 Skywatch , 隨便找 10 個 NPC 對它按 E 丟泥巴球就可以完成第一階段
再去 城堡裡面 對 大臣也惡作劇一下就可以
綠名字的 NPC 好像不能丟
注意如果丟警衛, 會被判定通緝, 被它看到會被罰錢 > 詳細 通緝系統說明
如果你嘗試 按 E , 但沒有任何反應, 通常是因為你開啟鎖定攻擊, 所以無法對 NPC 胡鬧
請按 ESC 打開 Setting > Gameplay 在 COMBAT 中找到 Prevent Attacking Innocents 把它關掉就可以了
丟泥巴球任務完成後, 打開你的獎品箱, 有機率可以拿到泥巴球
泥巴球使用方式跟藥水一樣, 可以放到快速盤中
泥巴球可以解一個找死的成就 - 丟 3 陣營的王 (視為犯罪 會被罰錢)
盡量去完成成就吧, 成就分數偶爾會影響一些運氣或活動
AD Auridon 南邊 Vulkhel Guard 的銀行 1 樓 |
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DC Stormhaven 中間 Wayrest 傳點上方無名豪宅 |
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EP Eastmarch 北邊 Windhelm 北邊豪宅右邊無名宅 |
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不過聽說會因為玩家 3 陣營任務進度的關係
改變 3 王所在的位置, 如果你在這些地方找不到, 可以到 Discord 討論
Everyone celebrates the New Life their own way. I do so love the variety.
Redguards of Bergama have the Signal Fire Sprint. It honors an ancestor who saved their city from certain doom, a true gift of New Life.
Go there, to the Alik'r Desert, and speak with Aubatha. She can explain!
You are unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. What brings you to Bergama?
You honor us with your journey.
Light of a Bergama signal fires before I end my count, as Zoreh the Tenacious did long ago.
Long ago, a great sickness swept through Bergama. Those who survived were gravely ill. This included Bergama's sworn blades … her protectors.
Emeesh Poison-Tongue, a warlord of the sands, learned of of a Bergama weakness. One night his band of cutthroats approached the city, hoping to take our wealth and slaughter our people.
One sworn blade stood watch.
Indeed. Though afflicted, she alone stood her post. But she knew there was no hope against so many.
Yet, she knew how to save Bergama. If she lit the signal fires quickly, Emeesh would think the illness had passed. That our defenders were ready.
Zoreh sprinted to each unlit signal fire. Alone she ran, despite her illness, and lit every one. She rallied every sworn blade in Bergama.
As we took the field, Emeesh's band panicked and fled. Even ill, our defenders cut down every desert dog.
Sadly, the illness took her that night, but not before Emeesh was driven off. But Zoreh died knowing Bergama was safe.
So now, every year, we honor her sacrifice. Few could ask for a better legacy.
Zoreh wasn't called "the Tenacious" for endurance alone. Her keen mind allowed her to defend Bergama from its enemies.
As our hero did, learn where we keep each signal fire and plot your route.
前往 Alik'r Desert 南邊的 Bergama
這是一個點火的遊戲, 如果能在 35 秒內跑完有成就
要完成這個成就, 你需要 戰場加速技能 和隨便一罐 綠色 的回耐渣水 ( lv 30 法衛測試可以過 )
也聽說可以組隊, 一人負責點一個也可以, 但我沒測試過
當你在 1 的地方 與 NPC 完成對話後
地圖上 2 3 4 5 就會標示出來, 計時是從第一個火被點起才開始計算
所以你可以先走一遍看看路線, 不要急著開始
很多人無法完成任務, 主要是都從 3 的地方開始跑
這樣當 3 > 2 , 2 > 4 導致重複了一段直角的距離, 法系耐力又不夠, 就失敗了
建議從 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 的順序跑 應該就很容易解 , 只重複一小段直線距離
先按下戰場加速 > 點 3 的火 > 按下 shift 衝次到 2 > 4 > 5 , 中間沒耐就喝綠水 , 1 罐綠水捕的耐就非常夠用了
Local traditions are essential to the New Life. Sometimes they change, year to year!
The Nords of Lower Yorgrim celebrate by traveling to remote places, stripping down to smallclothes, and leaping into the freezing water.
You should take the Snow Bear Plunge! It is quite invigorating.
I'll mark your map with the route. Travel to each place, shed your clothes, and take a flying leap!
Warm yourself at the bonfires before leaving. And share a drink with anyone else who takes the Plunge!
不需要透過傳點傳走 , 就在北方城裡 東邊碼頭, 和中間木橋, 與傳點左邊的瀑布上
跳下水中後, 上岸烤火, 連做 3 次就能完成任務
這個任務有一個成就, 只要脫光裝甲跳水就可以完成
脫光跳 1 次 還 3 次 , 忘了 ... 怕拿不到就都脫光跳
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You are curious about New Life traditions, aren't you?
The Orcs of Betnikh celebrate through the Stonetooth Bash—a constant party, not the repeated punching of faces. Though sometimes there is punching.
Matron Borbuga is an old friend. Seek her out on Betnikh! She will show you.
前往 世界 左邊的一個小島上 , Betnikh
跟 NPC 講完後, 它會告訴你去搶怪
因為活動玩家太多, 怪太少, 愚蠢的任務
蜂的數量就少的可憐又散的 2266 的
建議到標示紅圈的位置, 不知道為啥那邊沒玩家
活動時解這類的任務, 如果你身邊還有別的玩家, 或看到別的玩家朝你跑過來
請停止殺死你正在打的怪, 讓其他玩家也能打到 1 下, 不要自私, 這樣大家都解的到任務
回報 NPC 後 它會叫你去吃旁邊放很多天的 剩菜
吃完後 你對著空氣 亂打嗝 就可以回報任務了
這邊有一個選項是, 可以對著玩家亂打嗝
但是不明原因(進度吧), 不是每個玩家都可以對它按 E
總之走到門口去, 那些剛過門的玩家都很容易可以按
Local traditions are essential to the New Life. Sometimes they change, year to year!
Khajiit of Rawl'kha honor their trickster god Rajhin with the Trial of Five-Clawed Guile.
Travel to Reaper's March and speak with Tumira. She'll help you celebrate the New Life with the slightest of hand!
This one welcomes you to the Trial of Five-Clawed Guile! Celebrate the New Life and pay your respects to Rajhin, all at once!
Rajhin once said, "A lock is a pebble to be tossed from one's boot." Use your lockpicks to retrieve the contents of the nearby chests.
Show you have as little regard for barriers as the mighty Rajhin. And be quick about it!
前往 Reaper's March 中央的 Rawi'kha 過西邊的橋就到了
很詭異的慶祝方式是開寶箱 = = 有成就
35 秒內打開 3 個寶箱, 難度分別有 Advanced , Intermediate , Simple
沒有順序之分, 就連開就對了
賭運氣的方式是, 當你按 E 進入開鎖介面後, 直接按 R 消耗一個開鎖器直接開鎖 (俗稱秒開)
如果有點滿技能線, 秒開機率為 70% (但其實蠻難失敗的)
如果沒練技能, 可以考慮裝 addon : FCO Lockpicker
我記得好像要去 setting > addon 裡面打開一個設定
才能看到特效來幫助開鎖, 就是當你應該放開滑鼠時, 鎖柱會變成綠色
The New Life is about what the old year was and what the new year can be.
The High Elves of Haven have the War Orphan's Sojourn. They travel to a temple in the heart of Grahtwood and donate what they can.
I'll mark your map. It's quite simple—give what you are able to give.
Another on the War Orphan's Sojourn? Though Stendarr provides for all lost children, we will not turn away donations for our charges.
Ah, yes. Some of those who walk the War Orphan's Sojourn are far less capable than yourself. The creatures alerted to their passage see them as a fine meal.
Aggressively dissuading these creatures would help clear the path. If you're so inclined.
前往 Grahtwood 北邊的任務地點, 跟 NPC 對話後
你可以選擇 "捐52元幫助它們" > 然後就可以回報任務了
或是選擇幫它打死 5 隻蟲
你可以捐了 52 元後 > 又去幫他殺 5 隻蟲
活動時解這類的任務, 如果你身邊還有別的玩家, 或看到別的玩家朝你跑過來
請停止殺死你正在打的怪, 讓其他玩家也能打到 1 下, 不要自私, 這樣大家都解的到任務
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如果你運氣很好, 有開到這個金色的玩具
所以你必須寄信給你信任的朋友, 並請它幫你按退信, 你才能換角色收信來領取
或是你也可以透過公會商店, 上架商品後趕快下架
因為我們公會的商店並沒有租攤販, 所以只有我們公會的人能買
如果沒有手速特快的人在等你, 基本上都是可以成功讓商品變成信
記得不要害怕就上一個很高的價錢, 上架需要手續費的